- Title: The Hospital Club
- Installation: Covent Garden , London
- Completion date: January 2019
- Area: 250 sq m
The Hospital Club have had our Television Studio Floor for 18 years. Uniquely, the floor has a matt finish which has been refreshed every 12 – 18 months to maintain its appearance.
The popular studio has a busy life and following wear and tear over the years, the decision was made to refurbish the floor in black.
The layers of paint were stripped away using vacuum contained diamond grinding machines fitted with appropriate blades for the task.
The Elgood Universal Television Studio Floor Operating Surface.
Approximately 4 mm.
An opportunity was found at the beginning of the year and the installation was completed in seven days.
The Hospital Club have had our Television Studio Floor for 18 years. Uniquely, the floor has a matt finish which has been refreshed every 12 – 18 months to maintain its appearance.
The popular studio has a busy life and following wear and tear over the years, the decision was made to refurbish the floor in black.