- Installations: The floors in A and B are our 133rd and 134th installations.
- Completion date: May 2014.
- Areas: A: 220 sqm, B: 75 sqm
- Programme: 2 weeks.
- Main Contractor: Skanska UK
- Sub Floor: A concrete floor which varied by 22mm in places
The Elgood Studio Floor System has been proven over 30 years with more than 130 studio installations. With an average working life of more than 10 + years these studio floors provide long term economy.
Elgood Flooring managed the project with their SMSTS qualified management.
Buy with confidence
Truly Single Source. The systems are designed, manufactured and installed by Elgood Industrial Flooring Ltd to meet the exacting criteria demanded by broadcasters.
Selected Product
The Elgood Universal Television Studio Floor System.
The floor provides optimum camera pedestal performance.
The floor is perfect for Multi Camera use. A camera can be used anywhere on the floor making it ideal for multiple sets.
Anti static finish as standard to eliminate nuisance static electricity that would otherwise interfere with camera use.
The Studio floor can receive semi permanent studio floor paints such as Mylands and be scrubbed clean as a matter of routine.
Additions to the project
- A Fire Lane was installed in Studio A.
- The Scene Dock and Stores area received our Solvent Free Epoxy Flow Coat with a fine slip resistant finish in the colour Light Grey.
The objective was to have television studio floors that would meet the expectations of the BBC in order to help train students to meet BBC standards. The new studio complex is designed and equipped to the highest standards.
The Elgood Television Studio Floor was chosen by Gleeds and Bath Spa University owing to our successful track record in this niche area of flooring.
The installation of the floors followed Project Completion. This is an ideal time to have a studio floor installed being free of other trades and impediments that could jeopardize an installation. The installation is a clean process and requires a clean working environment.
It also avoided costly and wasteful protection.